Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's a GIRL!

Yesterday was the day we found out we're expecting a little princess! She was very active and was being difficult when it came to seeing what she was. I'm glad we got a good look though because I am a huge planner! She already has some very long legs...hopefully she will be tall like us. Her heart rate was at 136 yesterday. Maybe she'll be more calm like her daddy. :) it was awesome to already see her on the sonogram. We got some really great pictures. I am hoping we get to see her again before I deliver.

Guy and I are officially both unemployed; at least until Guy starts his new job next Tuesday. With that said, Guy is leaving at around midnight Saturday night/Sunday morning. I will love spending time with him this week, but I am dreading him leaving. I hope to stay plenty busy while we are apart to make the time go faster and not seem so bad. I think the dogs will miss him as much as I will. They are thrilled when he comes home, even if he's just gone for a very short amount of time.

I guess that's all our news for now...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Let the nerves set in...

We had our 16 week check up tonight. The heartbeat was 148...sounding like a boy! We officially find out August 29. We were supposed to find out September 13, but Guy is leaving Labor Day weekend to start his new job in ND. I can't wait to find out what we're having, but I'm not looking forward to Guy leaving. I'll be in IL for at least 3 weeks without him. :(

We can also say that we are under contract on a house out in ND. It is a new build, so we are hoping the builder will be done by the end of September. He would have been finished sooner, but we offered more money for him to finish the basement. When the house is finished, it will have 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms...2 bedrooms on each level with 2 baths up and one down. The main living space upstairs is open concept and then downstairs there is also a family room. The house would be just about perfect, but the yard is horrible! We have almost an acre here, so the boys are going to not be happy with the new yard. Our neighborhood is newer, so hopefully we will meet other couples close to our age. Eventually we plan to buy some land and build a house. For now though, we feel we made the right decision. We have plenty of room for company...so come visit! :)

Hopefully I answered some questions about the house. I know people were wondering about it. I will definitely add pictures once there is something to actually show. :) All I can really show are pictures I took and it is only of a framed house...it's hard to tell what anything is too much right now.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something but I can't think of anything right now...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why the blog.....

Since Guy and I are moving to North Dakota, hopefully by the end of September, I know everyone will want to know what we are up to out there. I thought a blog would be a great way for us to share what we've been up to and to show off Baby Aman once it arrives in January. :)

I'm new to blogging; so hopefully I can catch on very quickly! I'm going to do my best to keep everyone updated...so hold me to it. I will be looking forward to sharing what we're up to, especially once we make the long journey out there.

Until next time...