Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A week and a half down...

The animals and I have survived a week and a held with Guy in ND. Barley still constantly looks for Guy, but I think he's enjoying cuddling with me quite a lot. He and Fitz have taken over Guy's side of the bed...didn't take them long to sprawl out at all. :) they've definitely been testing their boundaries with me...something they know better than to do with Guy. Hopefully they will continue acting pretty good; they do have their moments though!

Guy is getting the feel of his new job. Once he gets bested acquainted with it, I think he'll really like it. He already likes it more than what he'd been doing. We were happy his old job had been keeping him busy, but he did not enjoy what it was. He says the people in the office are nice and he's getting to know some of them. The best thing so far for him is probably that he's been able to go dove hunting. He bought a book that shows all the public hunting land and he's found a couple places to go already. He wishes I could mail Barley to him so they could do some serious hunting....Barley wishes the same thing!

On Saturday Guy went and checked out the progress of our house. He even figured out how to take pictures on his new work iPhone and email/text them to me. That is quite an accomplishment for him as he is not tech savvy at all. :) Due to a couple of things it's looking like we won't close on the house at the end of the month like we'd hoped. We're now hoping for around October 7th. Until then, we'd REALLY like to get an offer on our house here and get that process under way as well. Out in ND it would have sold super quickly; it's crazy to think of the difference of the housing markets from where we are now to where we're going...complete opposites.

Sunday morning when we talked we were both on our way to church. Guy checked out a church for us out there. I think he's going to go back and get a better feel for it. He didn't have anything negative to say about it, so hopefully this Sunday will be good as well. It's hard to find a church; we went through that here and are sorry to be learving were we've been attending. We really enjoy the minister at our current church and that makes all the difference.

Yesterday was my 20 week checkup. Everything sounded great. Her heart rate was at 153. I worked on a couple of craft projects for her as well. I made a couple of bows and I painted and decorated some wooden letters that will go probably over her crib. I think everything turned out cute and Guy was surprised to here I knew how to do things like that. I told him it comes from my college years being in a sorority. Today I'm going to make her a bow holder. I bought some ribbons yesterday, but I need to go pick up a couple other things this morning after looking at some picture options last night online. I also got a cute footstool really cheap when I was at Michael's yesterday that I want to put fabric on. I had a child's rocker reupholstered and I want it to go with that chair. This rocker was my mom's when she was little and she had it redone for me, so I thought it only fitting to do the same for my daughter. If you ever saw it before, you wouldn't recognize it. It looks awesome! Our baby furniture should be here at our house the last Monday or Tuesday of September. I can't wait to see it. We had Amish furniture made, so we know it will last her forever. I have a lady making custom crib bedding and my mom's neighbor is making me some curtains and throw pillows so her room is coming right along. We can't wait to see it altogether!

One day I'll play around with adding some pictures to our blog. I haven't really sat down and messed with this too much. I think that's all our news for now. :)